Spirit Animal Blog Award!!


Sul Sul! 🙂

I’m thrilled to have been nominated by the fabulous eXokamikaze, author of ninjapigsims for the Spirit Animal Blog Award! This is the very first award I’ve been nominated for and I’m honestly flattered! Thank you so much eXokamikaze for believing that I deserve this award just as much as every other simlit writer!

Here’s a cookie 🍪 for Ninjapig 🐷. Hope she likes it 😋

Alright, moving on… Here are the rules for accepting the award:


1. Post the award picture on your blog.
2. Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you.
3. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
4. Pick ten nominees.

About me and my blog

It’s always so difficult to describe oneself.; you either have too little or too much to say and don’t know where to begin 😁

Well, I have to begin somewhere so let me start off by introducing myself. I’m Remi Narrow (Fun Fact: Remi Narrow is my pen name 😄 I went with this name because ‘RN’ are my initials 😉) and I’m from India. I’m a literature student and I aspire to be a teacher one day. I also aspire to get married and raise a family and see my children succeed in life (oh! how typical :P) But guess that’s just who I am. I’m just your typical girl-next-door who wants nothing more from life than a little love, a little appreciation, and an occasional pat on the back to keep her motivated. I don’t particularly like to flaunt my qualities- not that I have many; but I do love to display the few I possess once in a while. So to list down a few, I’m a great listener, very patient, empathetic and humble (to some extent😜) I’m also very creative and have a wild imagination (which is a good thing, I hope😅).

I believe it’s my imagination and creativity that drives me to play the Sims since the game, in my opinion,  let’s you create your own characters of the stories you make up in your head and you get to see them come alive on your computer screen! I was introduced to the Sims 4 through let’s plays on YouTube and the kid in me fell in love with the game instantly! I have been playing the game ever since and I haven’t stopped despite my friends making fun of me and calling me a baby and asking me to grow up!

I played the game randomly at first then decided to start a legacy challenge, but I lost the save file when my computer crashed and I had to start the challenge from scratch. But then I thought, why not write down this wonderful story that I’ve created and publish it for the world to see?! So that’s how my blog was born! 😃

This blog means the world to me! Without it, I would’ve never realized my potential as a story-teller, I would’ve never recognized my passion for writing, but most importantly, I would’ve never stumbled upon the Simlit community of the Forums where I met a bunch of awesomesauce simmers & other simlit writers like me, who appreciated my work & motivated me to work even harder!

Writing was never my passion but it is now; I enjoy every bit of it, I love stirring up drama in the lives of my characters and presenting their miserable life to my readers 😂, I love participating in discussions, workshops and book clubs to learn new things so I can improve myself and my blog.

I’m certain that creating this blog wasn’t a bad idea, after all (Fun Fact: I was disheartened when my blog was not receiving any likes & I was going to stop writing! 😅) It’s given me so much and I’m going to give it much more by working hard to better it and see it grow 😌

Spirit Animal

I don’t see the point behind asking which animal you would want to be, but I guess the question’s relevant since the award is called ‘Spirit Animal Award’ 😂 So if I could be an animal, I would probably be a crab… I guess? (Fun Fact: deciding which animal to be was harder than deciding the nominees 😝) I would love to be a crab for two reasons. Firstly because I’m a Cancerian, and according to the zodiac sign I’m supposed to be a crab LOL 😂. And secondly because crabs live on the sea-shore and I love the sea and the sand and the sun! So if I were a crab I would live on the beach! 😍 How cool is that?!


Shout-outs to all who helped my blog get this far! I would’ve never achieved what I have without your support and so, I’ve decided to nominate my readers, as a way of saying thanks. 🙂

So here are the nominees (in no particular order)

15 thoughts on “Spirit Animal Blog Award!!

  1. ninjapigsims says:

    *ninjapig hugs you* Omnomnom. ( . . ) ❤

    (I'm actually eating cookies at the moment so this is perfect! XD)

    How lovely to see that you're from India! I travelled there once on a university trip and I fell in love with the food. Butter chicken, saag aloo, and your veggie burgers are amazing! Mmm.

    So glad to read more about you and see how much the Lounge has encouraged you! It's such a great community. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • RemïNarrow says:

      You’re welcome! You definitely deserve this award!! 🙂
      And yes I’m definitely going to continue writing until my last breath (I’m so dramatic, at times 😂)
      And I won’t exactly be going up to 10 generations, because I feel it’ll be too monotonous and get boring after a while.
      A spin-off! Yes you’ll definitely get one when this legacy ends. I’ll be bringing some characters back from *ahem* the second generation. I have the whole spin-off planned out in my head and I’ll begin writing it super soon! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. charliimai says:

    Congrats on receiving the Award, It is well deserved. I for one am loving the story and your writing style.
    Thanks for the nomination too ❤
    (Now that we know a little more about you I have a feeling that Charles and Laura will get their happy ever after :D)
    Keep up the great work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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